
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We want to translate Guilty Crown Lost Christmas - but we need your help!

Hey Everyone,

Today we want to announce that we'll be working on an English Translation for the Visual Novel Guilty Crown Lost Christmas.

In this post, we'd like to explain to you what the project is about, who we are and how You can help us.

So let's get starting:

  • What's the game about?
The visual novel is set in Japan, 10 years before the start of the main storyline and will explain what happened during the events of the 'Lost Christmas' incident. The main character, codenamed Scrooge, has been the subject of many experiments over the years along with many others. Carol, the main female character, was also a test subject who is relevant to the story as well. Scrooge came into contact with her while on the run and the two escaped together. Soon after they meet a girl called Present, who's fate is somehow intertwined with Scrooge and Carol's...
- taken from

  • Who are WE?
Currently the Team consists on LiquidShu, Arishii and myself, lolgc from I-VNTP.
We three love the anime Guilty Crown and would like to see its Visual Novel Game one day translated.
Because nobody has finished an English Translation so far, we thought of starting one ourselves.

While LiquidShu and Arishii will do the language editing, lolgc will do the programming and photo/video editing.

  • Sounds good, but how can I help?
The main issue we currently have, is that we lack on a few people who want to work on this project.

    • Translators (1-2 people)
    • Translation Check (1-2 people)
    • Language Editing (optional as we already have 2 people doing that)

The numbers shown above only state the minimum amount of people we need.
We plan to take anyone who is willing to offer us help :)

As always: If you yourself can't help us for several reasons, please spread the word, so we can fulfill our dream. Thank you!

Help us spread the words: 

  •  How can I contact you & are there any requirements?
As it's the Prequel of the Anime (which is to be read after watching the Anime), it is highly recommended, that you have watched the series.
Also it's recommended that you have Skype or any other IM, which has group chat possibilities.

If you want to participate in the project, you can leave a comment, or send me a Tweet or even mail me.

  • How long will the Project approximately take?
The Visual Novel has a length of 10-15h. If we manage to at least get the minimum amount of persons, we should be done in 4-6 months. Of cause, the more people work on the project, the faster it will get accomplished.
If you guys have more questions/suggestions about the project, please leave a comment below, and we'll try to answer/realize them as fast as possible.